Friday 12 October 2012

A Diamond In The Dark?

Television is a land fill site. It's full of shit, packed to the gunnels with repeats, poor quality shows, or the worst - reality tv. Now this is just my opinion, there are I'm sure plenty of "good" shows on television but there are few great ones. Which brings me neatly to my point. Breaking Bad.

Breaking Bad is seriously "good" television. By good, I mean absolutely fucking fantastic television. The premise for the show itself is a cracker and could have probably worked with lesser characters and poorer writing. However that's not the case. The writing is of the highest standard. Flawless almost. The characters are perfect. Not once do they feel overplayed, false or out of place. They travel some intense and interesting arcs too, going through many changes in a believable manner.

Breaking Bad is about an under-achieving high school chemistry teacher who finds out he has lung cancer. Struggling to make ends meet and worrying about how his family will when he's dead, he turns to making crystal meth.

Now if you are sitting here after reading that, thinking... Hem, maybe that's not my thing. I briefly thought that too. I was wrong.

A friend had informed me of the show and preached of its greatness. He hadn't lied. I watched the first episode and had to watch more.

It is pitch perfect television, it grabs you, it's emotional, it's smart and it works. I don't want to go on about the plot or the characters because its a journey that you should make unspoiled. So go. Watch it and let me know what you thought. Tell me if it absorbed you, tell me if it was worth it. If it's a nugget in the heaps and heaps of shite. I promise, you won't be disappointed.